The People's Pharmacy Preparedness Kit | Peoples Pharmacy |

2022-07-23 00:19:06 By : Ms. carlen shu

Clear skies. Low near 75F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph..

Clear skies. Low near 75F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.

When is the last time you updated your first aid kit? Now that summer is in full swing, it is high time to make sure you are well-equipped for any contingency. Besides all the normal equipment, we are encouraging you to think creatively and stock up on a People’s Pharmacy Preparedness Kit. It contains some unusual ingredients that most first responders would not recognize.

First the basics, best gathered into a tackle box or another container that has compartments so you can see at a glance what you’ve got. For cuts and abrasions, you’ll need bandages in several sizes, antiseptic wipes to clean the wound and an antibiotic ointment or cream such as Polysporin. Alcohol wipes are good not only for cleaning cuts; sniffing one can ease nausea in minutes.

Not so basic, but helpful for cuts and scrapes, would be several packets of ground black pepper. This can help stop bleeding quickly. The drugstore equivalent is WoundSeal or QuikClot powder.

For blisters, Second Skin blister pads or squares are good for prevention. The hydrogel pads reduce friction. Of course, if you do get a blister, you can use a bandage to keep it clean and protected.

Splinters call for a good pair of tweezers and also wart plasters. Why wart plasters? The salicylic acid in the plaster softens up the skin after a few hours, making it much easier to tease the splinter out. We still recall a camping trip decades ago when our Cub Scout got a nasty splinter in his foot, and we had forgotten to bring the first aid kit. The tweezers are also useful for removing a tick.

Speaking of bug bites: If you are sharing your space with mosquitoes, biting flies or ticks, take along an effective repellent. DEET is the gold standard, but picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus also work. You may have to repeat the application of this. Using both sunscreen and bug spray? Put the sunscreen on first and give it 10 minutes or so to soak in before applying the repellent.

No doubt you’ll also want a pain reliever (pick one appropriate for those in your group) and possibly an allergy medicine. An elastic wrap for a sprained ankle or sore wrist can be very helpful.

Is someone in your group susceptible to motion sickness? You may want to pack Dramamine (or generic dimenhydrinate). But here’s an idea: try candied ginger. Many people find it works well, tastes good and has no side effects.

Be sure to put in several packets of yellow mustard and soy sauce. Either can be surprisingly useful against burns (after first using cold water). In addition, swallowing a spoonful of mustard can stop a muscle cramp quickly. As an added bonus, some people find that taking a bit of yellow mustard is effective against heartburn.

While we are speaking of heartburn, you may want to pack some sugarless gum. This, too, is a double-duty remedy. It works well against constipation, which can be a common complaint for travelers.

What else might you want? If you can find a travel-size bottle of amber Listerine, tuck it into your kit. It helps soothe rashes, fights dandruff, eases the itch of mosquito bites and, of course, works as a mouthwash. It can also be used to relieve other itches and eliminate lice. In a pinch, you could use it as an antiseptic for wounds.

Even if you’re not a Boy Scout, it always makes sense to be prepared!

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